Tips For Writing A Complete Dissertation Successfully

When you reach the dissertation stage, you are familiar with the technicalities of assignment writing. Gathering source material, analyzing it and expressing your views upon it is not something new. However, it can still be a challenge as it is likely to be the most detailed task you have done yet.

In this article we are going to explore the intricacies involved in writing a dissertation. It is important to understand the perspectives and mindsets behind its success. The work that goes into this assignment is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration.

A dissertation is similar to a marathon

One of the cardinal rules of marathon running is: Do not do anything different on the day of the race. Same goes for dissertation writing. The methods you have found to be successful until now, continue with them. You have a brief amount of time to complete a dissertation so it is best not to waste it. Go into it fully committed. You cannot afford to piece it together at the last minute. So, give it priority over any other engagements.

It is very much like a marathon in other ways too. For instance, being in the prime of physical and mental health counts. There are students who do not pay it much regard. They do not connect the intellectual effort to their body. Dismissing exercise, having a bad eating routine, excessive alcohol consumption, are deteriorating towards your health.

One of the best chess players in the world, Bobby Fischer, is a man of brains. However, he has a rigorous physical routine too. He believes that exercise compliments mental engagement and improves his playing. Therefore, you need to be physically fit for mental abilities to function at their full potential. To be a successful dissertation writer you must have some sort of physical activity on your schedule. Be it as simple as taking a daily walk or yoga in the mornings.

Understanding the process

It takes an extremely large amount of research, reading and writing to make up an effective dissertation. The biggest problems you come across during the whole process is cohesion. How on earth are you supposed to write 5-10 chapters on one subject? It feels pretty insurmountable, especially when you only have a vague idea of how different elements will fit together. Thus, conferring with your advisor beforehand is a good strategy.

Usually, students writing a dissertation need to submit a proposal. It can be formal or informal but in both cases the purpose is to outline a plan. This is very helpful and should be done under the guidance of your advisor or committee. Discuss the possibility of extensive reading and research during the initial few months.

If you spend a good 4-5 months of industrious work in this are you will build a strong foundation. A clearer view can be achieved of what needs to be covered and what is missing. At this stage, read like a sponge. Absorb all the knowledge without analyzing or taking up a stance. Also consider creating a complete annotated bibliography as a starting step. It will prove extremely valuable when you sat down to draft the thesis itself.

Think of your dissertation as work

Writing a dissertation is an honorable and noble pursuit, but nonetheless its still just work. It will identify your life and who you are, positively or negatively. Yet do not think it is a calling or has some greater purpose behind it. It is surely going to set you on the path to future endeavors. However, it does not set you apart or above from other people.

So how are you supposed to treat it? You need to put six to eight hours of the everyday into it. You also must dedicate each day to it to make up for illness or any other unforeseen events. You require a work area that is comfortable and peaceful.

Also remember that there will be others who do not comprehend or appreciate your work. They perhaps even resent you for it. These people might express that your work does not have any weight to it. Even loved ones, might think that the task does not require as much time as you’re putting in it. This can create great conflict. They do not understand how hard even writing a single paragraph can be for a thesis. Or the amount of reading that you have to do to achieve it.

The point is, even if it doesn’t seem like work to others, you will be putting time and effort into it. It does not have to be of a strictly orthodox kind. You will not be typing away or penning down stuff all the time. But there are so many other things that go into dissertation then merely writing.