PowerPoint presentation tips

Comprehensive List Of Powerpoint Presentation Tips And Tricks

Do you feel difficulty in making the PowerPoint Presentation? Well, this software is a crucial part of our lives. Honestly speaking, we all should be aware of making decent PowerPoint presentations. But, there is no need to worry if you cannot make attractive presentations. This article would be helpful for you in making appealing presentations in PowerPoint.

Going back to history, Microsoft had launched this useful software back in 1987. Since then, it has been the most famous presentation tool that is implemented worldwide. But, the fact is that numerous people feel problems to produce effective presentations. Therefore, lots of experts have provided tips and tricks to create incredible presentations. Let’s now dive into those valuable methods.


The following are some useful techniques to produce fantastic presentations on PowerPoint:


Undoubtedly, the first impression has a big impact on the viewers. The starting should always be brilliant. We should also be aware that it is always the great beginning that forces the audience to stay with the presentation. If the opening is dull, then the audience won’t listen to you.

Therefore, it is better to provide a summary of the whole presentation in the opening slide. This strategy would give the idea to the audience what topics would be covered in this presentation.

Moreover, the spectators will be excited to know that they will get the opportunity to learn new things today. This is a useful method to keep the viewers alive.


One of the examples of the perfect presentation is that it does not have too much text. Certainly, adding the text in huge numbers makes the presentation untidy and unattractive. This is one of the ordinary mistakes that are found in almost every PowerPoint presentation these days.

It is a myth that the audience likes excessive texts in the presentation. In reality, the viewers get bored with the additional texts. It is better to use the bullet points rather than typing the details. Once you have written the bullet points, then it is the responsibility of the presenter to describe in detail.

A slide should cover only a few bullet points. You should keep this point in mind that the spectators are there to listen to your ideas and thoughts. They are not present to read the whole slide.


Certainly, the presentation with only text may seem to be boring at times. Therefore, a presenter should find different ways to keep the viewers active in the presentation. One of the useful tricks of creating an attractive presentation is to add the images.

Surely, images play a vital role in appealing to the spectators. It is a truth that the presentation is dry when you are planning to go with the texts only. Certainly, the images productively convey the message. When you are including a good image, then such a strategy is much better than including irrelevant texts.

This is the reason you should think deeply while choosing the images. You should never select the images randomly as the image demonstrates what you are trying to explain in the presentation. This is the reason your image should be engaging that builds the interest of spectators.


A perfect presentation focuses on the spectators. You should know what a viewer wants to hear. It would be good to wear the shoes of the audience. Thinking from the audience’s perspective would allow you to make a creative presentation. One should focus on the viewpoint of an audience.

If the audience has doubts and queries on any topic and they are interested to know the solution, then you should provide the solution in your presentation. Your aim should be to provide the information that a viewer is desperate to know.

When you are making the presentation of our interest, then there is a chance that no one would pay attention to you. One has to care about the spectators. Therefore, wearing the shoes of the audience becomes crucial on several occasions.


One of the valuable tricks to create an engaging presentation is to add a noteworthy video in your presentation. Surely, the well-crafted text and a perfect image create value to the presentation. But, the inclusion of a good video plays a key role in effective presentations.

The video should never be so long. One should add a shorter and attractive video. This method would keep the audience alive. Furthermore, the majority of people in our society prefer videos as compare to text. The common example is YouTube. It is the most used search engine after Google.

According to the latest research, the audience loves to watch the videos. This is the reason many experts advise to include valuable video in the presentation to develop the interest of readers.

I hope this article would be helpful for you in making effective presentations. Surely, making a valuable presentation is important in the current period. It is also the truth that several people seek advice from experts to create engaging presentations. But, if you follow the above-mentioned tips, then you would never feel any issues during the creation of presentations in the future.